The Management of UWASNET basically rests with the Annual General Assembly (AGM), The Board of Directors, and the Secretariat as shown in the Organisational structure below.

General Assembly
The supreme governing body of UWASNET is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) composed of all members of the network. The AGM holds a general assembly annually, during which it elects the Board of Directors (after a term of three years), to which it delegates regular governance responsibilities.
Date of next AGM:

Board Of Directors
Elected by the AGM, the board oversees the activities carried out by the administrative organ of the Network, the secretariat. The composition of the board is 11 members composing of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer and 9 members. UWASNET’s Executive Director is the secretary to the board.
Learn more about our Board of Directors Here

UWASNET secretariat is responsible for the day to day running, operations and management of the organization. For the detailed structure of the Secretariat, please refer to the Strategic Plan 2017 – 2022 Downloadable Here
Check out UWASNET Staff Members

Regional Coordinators
Busoga Region
Acholi & Lango Region
Mid-Central Region
Rwenzori Region
South-Western Region
Mid-Eastern Region
Teso Region
West-Nile Region

Thematic Working Groups
WASH Technologies
Sanitation and Hygiene
Women & Vulnerable Children
Urban WASH
WASH in Emergency