The Ministry of Water and Environment is currently receiving abstracts for presentations at the 4th Uganda Water and Environment Week (UWEWK) planned for March 22nd – 26th, 2021 at the Water Resources Institute in Entebbe. The deadline for receiving abstracts is 15th – February , 2021.
You can access the information flyer and concept note for UWEWK for more detailed information by clicking on this link https://uwasnet.org/publications-reports/?eeFolder=UWEWK-2021
Or you can access the same information on the Ministry of Water and Environment website https://www.mwe.go.ug/content/uwewk
UWEWK is a weeklong event that is organized annually by Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) through the Water Resources Institute (WRI). The theme for UWEWK 2021 is “Ensuring water and environment security for socio-economic transformation of Uganda”.
This is an opportunity for visibility / an opportunity for you to share your organisation’s work, lessons learnt and best practices. It is also an opportunity to learn from other key sector stakeholders and an opportunity to network and initiate new partnerships as well as strengthening the existing ones.
For any information related to UWEWK 2021, Email: uwewk@mwe.go.ug; wri.uga@gmail.com OR call Mobile: +256 772 468 772, +256 753 153 791, +256 772521413, +256 772670517
We hope you are in position to beat the deadline.