UWASNET was founded in 2000 by the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Water and Environment in partnership with Sector Development Partners as the umbrella organization for all Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) operating in the Water and Sanitation sub-sector.
This was as a result of a sector reform known as the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) which brought together Government, Development Partners and CSOs together to develop, fund and implement a single development plan.
UWASNET works through the SWAp to contribute to the National Development Plan of poverty alleviation through universal access to sustainable, safe water and improved standards of sanitation and hygiene.
UWASNET’s mandate is to coordinate all CSOs and strengthen their contribution to the sector by facilitating learning and sharing, documentation of CSO’s work and promoting partnerships and collaborations with other sector stakeholders, including Government, development partners and the private sector.
UWASNET has a membership of 140 CSOs including international, national, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and private sector.
These CSOs work all over Uganda and are contributing to the Water and Environment sector through the following thematic areas; water supply, sanitation, and hygiene improvement, WASH in Emergency, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), environment, climate change, Water for Production, capacity development, community engagement, lobbying, and advocacy. Other CSOs contribute to cross-cutting issues in the sector including gender, equity, and HIV/AIDs.
For more information about our Membership Click Here