UWASNET held a three-day regional meeting from March 30th – April 1st, 2021 in Lira for its member organizations and District Local Government representatives in the Lango and Acholi region. The regional meeting is part of a series of regional meetings planned for 2021 that aim at strengthening the coordination of CSOs’ voices to influence WASH policies and practice in the sectors of Health, Water and Environment, Education, and Sports through collaboration, promotion of learning, sharing, and networking among CSOs and other key regional strategic partners and strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of UWASNET members to effectively, efficiently, and sustainably contribute to the sector.
Ten regional meetings are planned for 2021 and are being supported by SIMAVI and the WASH SDG 6 program, the Uganda Sanitation for Health Activity (USHA), and GIZ under the Civil Society in Uganda Support Programme (CUSP).
UWASNET is also collaborating with the Ministry of Water and Environment who are facilitating the training on understanding SDG 6 and the water & sanitation service delivery performance indicators among CSOs and the District Local Governments.
The agenda for the planned regional meetings also includes dialogues on WASH in schools and healthcare facilities through collaborations with the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Ministry of Health, and other key partners like the private sector, media, and CSOs.
A number of outcomes are expected from the regional meetings namely; improved dialogue & collaboration between CSOs & key sector stakeholders, increased participation of CSOs in district-level WASH planning and sector-related meetings, enhanced reporting & tracking sector performance on SDG 6.2, 6.1 and 6.5 implementation, increased documentation & up-scaling of best practices & better internalization, implementation, & monitoring of SDG 6.1, 6.2 and 6.5.
Download the newsletter with highlights from the Lango and Acholi regional meeting here https://uwasnet.org/wp-content/uploads/publication/UWASNET-Newsletters-/Highlights-from-the-Lango-and-Acholi-regional-meeting-1.pdf