Case Studies

Community Integrated Development Initiative (CIDI) WASH Interventions in mid-central region

The organization Procured a 1000lts water tank. The water tank was installed at Lwanda Farmers cooperative society limited coffee factory located in Lwanda Sub County, Rakai District. The water tank is to harvest rain water to be used for hand washing at the coffee factory for community members who access it for coffee hulling. The water tank is expected to be accessed by 100 community members per week.

The organization is also Promoting Solar sacks. The solar sack is a water container that is used to clean water free of bacteria using sun rays/solar. This has increased access to safe water for drinking among rural community members. The promotion of solar sacks is also intended to reduce on tree cutting for firewood which is needed to boil drinking water.  300 community members have accessed these solar sacks promoted in Rakai and Kyotera Districts.

Promotion of ECOCA-Solar Cooking stoves. The promotion of ECOCA solar cooking stove is also intended to provide an easy alternative for cooking water for drinking among rural communities. The ECOCA Solar Stove can also be used for cooking other food for household not beyond five members. The promotion of ECOCA Solar Cooking stove is also intended to preserve the environment with limited carbon emissions, reduced tree cutting for firewood and charcoal. 100 ECOCA Solar Stoves have been procured waiting to be distributed among 100 vulnerable households within Kyotera and Rakai districts early 2021.

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